Six points to keep in mind to clear the fog in your head and focus on things

The term “foggy head” refers to a state in which one’s head is foggy and one is unable to concentrate well on things, has difficulty recalling memories, or is unable to make good judgments. Columnist and entrepreneur Thomas Oppong explains “6 points” that can help clear the fog in your head and allow you to focus on things.
Want To Reduce Brain Fog And Improve Clear Thinking? Give Up These Things Immediately
◆1: Clean up the clutter
Oppong explains, “Clutter creates stress. There is a strong connection between your physical space and your mental space,” he said, noting that a messy room is detrimental to your mentality and health. He said it is not surprising that “The Magic of Tidying Up to Make Your Life Excite,” written by tidying consultant Marie Kondo, has become popular around the world.
While Oppong said that offices, desks, and rooms should be cleaned to calm the brain, it would be foolhardy to try to clean the entire area out of the blue. Therefore, Mr. Oppong recommended making it a habit to “clean one part of the room by concentrating on it for a short period of time,” and then expanding the scope of organizing over time.
◆2: Don’t try to multitask
Some people may yearn to multitask, to do many things in parallel, but switching between multiple tasks can be a challenge and lead to a loss of concentration. Because the brain’s use of time to switch between tasks can impair productive time, it is better to limit yourself to one task at a time. To avoid the temptation to switch tasks, Oppong advises, “Remove tools and devices from your surroundings that make you want to switch tasks when you see them.
Another effective approach, he says, is to “narrow down your list of important tasks to three and focus on one of them whenever possible. Even if you must switch tasks, choosing one of the three tasks will reduce the brain fatigue associated with multitasking.
◆3: Don’t get distracted by what is urgent but not important
While there are “important things in the world that must be handled urgently,” there are also “urgent but unimportant things. When urgent but unimportant things interrupt our productivity while we are engaged in important tasks, we are tempted to get on with the urgent things when the important tasks are a chore.
Oppong argues that we should stop engaging in these urgent but unimportant things and make better use of our finite time. The ability to distinguish between urgent and important tasks has a lot to do with success. Important tasks are those that contribute to our long-term mission, values, and goals,” he said, stressing the importance of identifying critical tasks.
◆4: Don’t get too comfortable
Staying in a comfortable state provides mental stability, but staying in a state of low mental stimulation shrinks the connections between neurons in the brain, he said. Stimulation is necessary to activate the brain’s networks, Oppong argues, and this requires a change in familiarity and intensive learning of new things.
Neuroscientist Michael Merzenich says, “The key to keeping your brain young is to be willing to leave your comfort zone. Seeking new experiences, learning new skills, and exploring unknown ideas are necessary to clear the fog from your head and clear your mind, he says.
◆5: Exercise
Being sedentary all day long is not only bad for your health, it can also be detrimental to your brain and mood. Exercise is important to keep the brain
Oppong recommends walking briskly for 30 to 45 minutes about three times a week.
◆6: Start creating, not consuming
Consuming content is very easy and relaxing. However, Oppong points out that the more content you consume, the less time you have to create your own content, and recommends that you stop consuming content unlimitedly and get into the habit of creating your own content.
Let your curiosity lead you to discover and pursue what you care deeply about. Allow yourself time to create something unique. The point is to feel the same sense of awe and wonder as you did as a child. If an activity makes you feel that way, keep doing it,” Oppong said.