
Don’t underestimate sleep deprivation, there are so many negative effects that come from sleep deprivation.


I am sure there are those of you who have worked, studied, or even indulged in hobbies while you were trying to sleep.

I was in the same situation.

I began to get frustrated that I could not get enough sleep. I ate more and more food to lose that frustration.

I began to gain weight, which increased my frustration even more. It was a vicious circle.

Hi,This is Santoshi.

When you have a day like this where you don’t get enough sleep, it can have many negative effects such as depression, anxiety disorders, increased appetite, and so on.

Impacts Of Lack Of Sleep

The U.S. National Sleep Foundation (NSF) recommended in 2015 that the appropriate amount of sleep for adults is 7 to 9 hours.

However, it is not always possible to get an adequate amount of sleep every day in real life.

Negative effects from lack of sleep


If you stay up all night for a day


● Stress hormone levels, which raise blood pressure, increase.


● weakens the body’s ability to convert glucose into energy.


●Immune function and the ability to maintain body temperature may be impaired.



The study also found that “even just one day of little sleep, if not an all-nighter, can cause mental and physical damage.

Research has also found that “you need more than six hours of sleep to recover.

If you get less than six hours of sleep in even one day, you are more likely to experience amplified emotions such as anger and frustration, as well as health problems in the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract.

This alone is not one of the best things you can do for your body.

When referring to studies that have examined the areas of the brain responsible for emotions, it was found that human anxiety and sleep are closely linked.

When sleep deprivation persists, the activity of the region that controls negative emotions is weakened. Subsequently, it was found that people are more likely to develop mental states similar to anxiety disorders.

It also intensifies the amplification of mentally disturbing emotions such as anger and anxiety disorders.

And it is harder to experience positive emotions.

It was also found that it leads to a decline in the cognitive function of the human brain.

And some studies have shown that it can lead to a loss of concentration.

Sleep has been found to affect the secretion of hormones that control appetite.

Sleep deprivation can also lead to obesity.

In addition to sleep deprivation, a disruption of the body’s internal clock due to disrupted sleep can negatively affect blood sugar levels, increasing the risk of having cardiovascular disease and the risk of diabetes.

Besides this, it shortens our life expectancy.

It has also been found to increase the risk of dementia.

These studies alone show that sleep deprivation is a very harmful habit for you.

It is important not to underestimate the fact that sleep deprivation is harmful and to recognize that it has long-term negative effects.

Let’s all go to bed early.

Hello, I’m Satoshi. I’ve been working as a staff member for an organization for over a decade. During that time, I’ve had various experiences, from launching new businesses to streamlining operations using information I’ve gathered from the internet and my own experiences. Of course, I’ve been successful with the help of colleagues and superiors, and I’m grateful to them. Nowadays, I find myself in a position where people from various backgrounds ask me for advice and share their knowledge. However, being constantly approached has made me realize that I need to protect my own time. So, I’ve decided to start a blog called ‘Satoshi Lab’ to share knowledge. I hope that by writing about my thoughts and experiences, people will enjoy reading and find it helpful in their own journeys.