Current situation in Japan: One in four men and women in their thirties said, “No desire to marry.

Hello, this is Santoshi.
As for the current situation in each country, I think that the number of young people who meet their partners has decreased sharply due to the measures against coronavirus.
At least in Japan, it has become difficult to use the method of getting along with each other while drinking alcohol.
I would like to introduce the data from the Japanese government.
Seeing this, now is your chance.
I think the important thing in life is to find a partner who can live with you for the rest of your life.
Whether you are Japanese or not, the starting point is the same.
I want you to find a destined person in search of more and more encounters.
男女共同参画白書 令和4年版 | 内閣府男女共同参画局 (
On June 14, the Government of Japan approved the 2022 Gender Equality White Paper.
A survey on marriage and income conducted by the Cabinet Office found that one in four single men and women in their thirties who had never been married answered that they had no desire to marry.
The main reasons were “I want to be free”, the burden of housework and childcare, and financial anxiety.
The “5,14,000 pairs”, which is the result of the number of marriages in 2021, was the lowest record since World War II.
Also, 65.8% of men in their 20s have no spouse or lover.
51.4% of women in their 20s had no spouse or lover.
39.8% of single men and 25.1% of single women have dated “0” and they have never dated.
The Gender Equality White Paper points out that life and family appearances have diversified, including unmarried, common-law marriage, and divorce.
The Japanese government said that it should consider designing a system for individuals rather than households, with a review of spouse deductions in mind.
In addition to the need for marriage support provided by local governments, he says, “It is also important to learn the importance of respecting each other in the process of romance, dating, and marriage through education and enlightenment.”