“If you’re wondering whether to buy a sale item … think this way.” Advice that was supported by many people.

Big sales are frequently held at Amazon and Yahoo Shopping in Japan.
Do you get excited when you see a bargain sale and buy too much?
If you buy something you don’t normally care about or don’t buy, you’re just buying something you don’t need.
Certainly, it’s easy to waste what you buy because it’s cheap.
Here is an overview of the comments on overseas bulletin boards.
Simple advice to avoid the so-called “money loss of buying cheap goods” was gaining popularity.
Conclusion:「You don’t save money buying items that are on sale if you weren’t planning on buying them for their original price」
● My mother is always in the trap. “Because it’s 50% off”
Her father replied, “Do you know? If you don’t buy it, you’ll get 100% off.” She laughs at her every time, but she tells herself when she’s about to lose the temptation of a discount. ● If you want to give advice, “Pay attention to the part you paid, not the part you saved.” ↑ That’s right. The sellers are throwing fiction numbers about how much they have saved. It looks like it’s doing good things, but it’s actually preying on weak consumers. ● If you don’t buy at price X, but buy at a price cheaper than X, it means that the value of the product is that much for you. ↑ No thank you when “A new game is $ 60?” I’ll wait until the sale. I buy $ 40 or less, but $ 60 is too expensive for me. If it doesn’t go on sale, I’ll never buy it. In other words, I don’t buy at any time at the list price. The same is true for other products. With that in mind, there is truth there, and one should not be manipulated or tempted by the sale. It’s not absolutely correct though. ● I agree to some extent. Whatever the price, it’s important to stop and think before you buy. I always do a purchase review before checking out. Do you really want this or are you impulsive? And many products were returned. Even though it was poor, large waffle makers were 75% off. I didn’t want or need it. It was reasonably priced, but it was a bargain. I bought it after all, but after 10 years, I still made memories with my children with my favorite kitchen appliances. ● My sister-in-law bought a $ 1,400 chandelier for $ 800. But her house doesn’t have a high ceiling to attach it to. ● To limit the intake of ice cream, I only buy ice cream on sale. ● Doubt about the sale. Sometimes it is called a discount price after catching the price before the sale. ● Do whatever you want. ● Was it Mark Twain who said, “25 cents for two elephants is a good buy if you want two elephants?” |
If you tend to buy things you don’t need because of the high discount rates, sometimes remember this idea.