
Four Psychological Pointers to Help You Achieve Your Goals


We all have those moments when we try as hard as we can to reach a goal, but can’t quite achieve it. Quick and Dirty Tips, a source of intelligent and useful information, has compiled a list of four points to consider when setting goals in the first place.


4 Psychology Hacks to Help You Stick to Your Goals | Savvy Psychologist


◆1: Set goals based on what you want to learn, not what you need to achieve.


While goals such as “lose 5 kg,” “increase the number of ‘Superior'” or “get promoted to manager” are all very concrete, research has shown that the most effective way to set goals is not by setting a final destination, but by setting a process to get to that goal. For example, if you want to lose weight, you need to lose weight.

For example, if you want to lose weight, instead of “lose 5 kg,” set a goal like “learn 5 healthy recipes,” or if you want to improve your academic performance, set a goal like “study this content to improve my grades. This kind of setting is more likely to last longer because you feel you can achieve it.


◆2: Make sure that your goals are connected to your values in life.

Some goals may be set “because my friends are doing it” or “because my teacher, boss, doctor, etc. told me to,” but whether or not you can achieve them is greatly influenced by your life values.

If we compare life to a situation in which we are rowing a boat in the middle of the ocean, “goals” are the islands on the horizon that we want to reach, and “values” are the things that point in the right direction, like the North Star. And not everyone shares the “North Star,” so it is important to know what big-picture matters are important to you.

If your goals are deeply connected to your values, they are more likely to be accomplished than those that can be put in the “to do” category on your to-do list.


◆3: Set goals that are “challenges,” not “threats.

Goals based on threats, such as “I need to lower my blood pressure because I’m afraid of a heart attack” or “I need to study more because I’m going to fail my credits,” are more difficult to achieve.

Instead, goals that are positive and challenging, such as “I will lower my blood pressure to be healthier” or “I will review my study habits to become the person I want to be,” are more likely to be attainable.


◆4: Make a “contract” with someone about achieving your goals.

Humans are very social creatures, and pressure helps keep us motivated and accountable. For example, announcing your 2020 goals on Twitter can be a good way to put pressure on yourself.

Hello, I’m Satoshi. I’ve been working as a staff member for an organization for over a decade. During that time, I’ve had various experiences, from launching new businesses to streamlining operations using information I’ve gathered from the internet and my own experiences. Of course, I’ve been successful with the help of colleagues and superiors, and I’m grateful to them. Nowadays, I find myself in a position where people from various backgrounds ask me for advice and share their knowledge. However, being constantly approached has made me realize that I need to protect my own time. So, I’ve decided to start a blog called ‘Satoshi Lab’ to share knowledge. I hope that by writing about my thoughts and experiences, people will enjoy reading and find it helpful in their own journeys.