
Is sleeping on one’s stomach detrimental to one’s health?



People sleep in a variety of positions: some people need to be on their sides to sleep, others need to be on their sides to feel comfortable, and still others have the habit of sleeping on their stomachs. In this regard, ZME Science, a science-based media outlet, explains the question, “Is sleeping on your stomach good for your health?” Is sleeping on your stomach healthy?

Is sleeping on your stomach healthy?

Some people sleep on their stomachs simply because it feels good to rest their cheek on the pillow, while others do so to reduce the risk of snoring or sleep apnea. However, ZME Science notes, “Sleeping on our stomachs puts strain on our backs, which can lead to poor sleep quality and physical discomfort during the day. Pregnant women, in particular, should avoid this sleep position if possible,” she noted.

Statistically, less than 10% of all people sleep on their stomachs, and the reason for this can be attributed to a practical one: sleeping on one’s stomach causes physical pain. When people lie on their stomachs with their heads on pillows, their trunk sinks into the mattress and most of their weight is on their abdomen, forcing them to arch their backs and putting undue strain on their necks and backs, according to the report.
The mechanical stress on the body from sleeping on one’s stomach can cause tissue fatigue and wear or damage to nerves in the spine. This can cause back and hip pain, making it difficult to fall asleep and waking up in the middle of the night, leading to poor sleep quality, according to the report.
In addition, people who lie on their stomachs naturally turn their faces to the side, which also puts the head and spine in a twisted position, causing head, neck, and shoulder pain. Over time, a distorted spine is more likely to lead to serious complications, such as herniated discs, warns ZME Science.

After warning of the risks of sleeping on your stomach, the report recommended that if you still want to sleep on your stomach, place a flat pillow under the abdomen and pelvis, or use a flat pillow to put your head on or sleep without a pillow. Placing the abdomen on a pillow helps maintain the shape of the spine and reduces the mechanical load on the intervertebral discs, he said. He also said that sleeping without a pillow loosens the angle of the neck, which also reduces the strain on the spine.
ZME Science explains that sleeping on the left side of the body can reduce pressure on the liver and vena cava and improve blood flow to the kidneys and fetus. and blood flow to the kidneys and fetus can also be improved.

Hello, I’m Satoshi. I’ve been working as a staff member for an organization for over a decade. During that time, I’ve had various experiences, from launching new businesses to streamlining operations using information I’ve gathered from the internet and my own experiences. Of course, I’ve been successful with the help of colleagues and superiors, and I’m grateful to them. Nowadays, I find myself in a position where people from various backgrounds ask me for advice and share their knowledge. However, being constantly approached has made me realize that I need to protect my own time. So, I’ve decided to start a blog called ‘Satoshi Lab’ to share knowledge. I hope that by writing about my thoughts and experiences, people will enjoy reading and find it helpful in their own journeys.